Friday, January 17, 2025



The concept of struggle in Malaysia is closely related with younger generation.. In fact, the concept of struggle is almost the same as the concept of nationalism popularized in the West. In Malaysia, talking about youth or young people seems to be incomplete if it is not accompanied by the  'struggle against the Malayan Union'. The word 'struggle' seems to have started and was triggered when the Malays fought against the 'Malayan Union' which. was introduced by the British and  ultimately demanded independence for Malaya.

The question that arise now is whether  the Malaysian young generation of today is rarely care  about the fate of our nation. The younger generation of today  seem to no longer appreciate the meaning of struggle. It seems as if young  generation of today are alien to what is called today' struggle. Their understanding of struggle are much different  from the struggle as understood by the old generation.

Previously young men (Malays) were always against the policy of 'Malayan Union' which was popularized by the British administration in Malaya.. The question that will always come to mind is that what if there is no Malayan Union, then there is no struggle for young people? Don't forget that one of the reasons that led to the establishment of UMNO was the introduction of the Malayan Union which was introduced by the British in 1946. Do the young people today, in a true sense of the owrd know what the Malayan Union. Do the young people now understand that if the Malayan Union is implemented successfully by the British, then the Malay heritage that is closely related to the Sultanate of Melaka descended from Bukit Seguntang will be lost.

The Malays fought hard against the ideas that tried to humiliate and insult the Malays. In a situation where everything is poor, young Malays (who are considered very poor) have joined forces to oppose the Malayan Union. Begin a struggle of young Malays to stand up and redeem the dignity of the Malay nation which has no comparison in the history of Malaysia until the achievement of independence in 1957.

The concept of younger generation in Malaysia is no longer limited to young Malays but already includes young Chinese, Indians and others. Young Malaysians should have their own agenda on how to create a dignified Malaysian nation. Young Malays, Chinese and Indians should think as young Malaysians and not as young Malays who fought to oppose the Malayan Union in 1946. This fact should be realized by all young Malaysians.

Malaysian society seems to be waiting for a big agenda that must be fought for by the young generation of Malaysia today. Is the younger generation still not ready to formulate a big agenda for the benefit of Malaysians. One fact that needs to be emphasized as well, even though it is very bitter to swallow, is that there are still - or in fact there are still many - young Malaysians 'following' the pace of the 'old people' in this country. It means that what has been designed by the 'old man' is continuously followed blindly without thinking about the good or bad of the 'steps' that have been arranged by the old man). As people say now - not really seeing a paradigm shift.

Young Malaysians have to think about the future they will go through. The future belongs to the youth now, not to the 'old people' now. And unfortunately what the young people are 'fighting for' now cannot be appreciated by the whole young people. If there is no 'Malayan Union' then young people have lost their direction and purpose and it is as if they have lost their guidance. 

One fact that needs to be emphasized as well, even though it is very bitter to swallow, is that there are still - or in fact there are still many - young Malaysians 'following' the pace of the 'old people' in this country. It means that what has been designed by the 'old man' is continuously followed blindly without thinking about the good or bad of the 'steps' that have been arranged by the old man. Young Malaysians have to think about the future they have to go through. The future belongs to today's young generation, not to today's 'old people'. And unfortunately what the young people are 'fighting for' now cannot be appreciated by all the young people. 

Of course, there is no time to think about the struggle if most of the time is spent talking about trivial and unprofitable matters. The young generation should prepare themselves to forge and strive to carve out a struggle that can raise the dignity of the nation in the future.

That is the task ahead of the future generation.


18 January 2025

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